Country Line Dancing with Gail and Harry

Meet the Silver Spurrs

Come join Gail & Harry the "SILVER SPURRS" to learn classic and new line dances to the latest country music.

With 61 combined years of dancing experience, it's our pleasure to introduce new people to line dancing.

We are committed to excellence in country line dancing instructions.

In addition to our regularly scheduled dance classes, we are a mobile DJ and dance instructor team
available for private parties, group lessons and corporate functions.

We are ASCAP & BMI licensed and insured for your special events.

Hello Dancers

Line Dance classes for the Spring at Suzanne Patterson Center

Spring class information

Ultra Beginner and Beginner Plus classes

Dance classes are now on Monday Evenings

Thanks for choosing Princeton Adult School

for your line dance lessons

The Silverspurrs are Harry & Gail

Spring Line Dance classes start on Feb 24, Mar 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

This absolute (Ultra) Beginner class is for those with no line dance experience or knowledge of basic steps and step patterns. Time will be spent on the fundamentals to help prevent injuries, reduce frustration and make line dancing more fun. You will learn basic steps used in the dances and easy dances will be taught at a slow pace using basic steps.

Ultra Beginner class 6pm to 7pm

Beginner Plus class 7:30pm to 9pm


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