It's Up To You Choreographed by Kim Ray Description: 32 count, 2 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance Music: It's Up To You by Barbra Streisand STEP FORWARD, ½ RUMBA BOX, STEP BACK, COASTER STEP, ...
IT’S A COLD BEER KINDA NIGHT Choreographer: Phil Nadel Description: 32 Count, 4 wall NOTE: R - RIGHT L - LEFT Music: Cold Beer Kinda Night by LoCash Intro: 32 Counts Start On Vocals LINDY RIGHT, ...
It's Make Believe Choreographed by Robert Lindsay Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner / intermediate line dance Music: I Thought Forever Was A Long, Long Time by Danni Leigh Start dancing on ...
Jai' du Boogie Choreographed by Max Perry Description: 64 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance Music: "Jai' du Boogie" by Scooter Lee 2 TOE-HEEL STEPS FORWARD, KICK FORWARD TWICE, STEP ...
JAMBALAYA Choreographed by Ian St. Leon Description: 32 count, 4 wall line dance Music: Jambalaya by Led Loader & The Barrels 1-2 Step right across left, rock back onto left 3-4 Shuffle ...
Jenny Lee Choreographed by Frank Trace Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner line dance Music: Jenny Lee by Jason Allen RIGHT DIAGONAL TOUCHES, STEP, POINT, STEP, POINT 1-4 Touch right toe ...
Jersey Girls Cha Choreographed by Rosie Multari Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate cha cha line dance Music: Jersey Girl by The Bacon Brothers Dance begins after vocals with guitar ...
JOSE' CUERVO Choreographed by Max Perry Description: 32 count, 4 wall, intermediate line dance Music: Jose Cuervo by Kimber Clayton The dance starts on the vocals - first verse CROSS, SIDE, SAILOR ...
Joyride Choreographed by Robbie McGowan Hickie Description: 64 count, 2 wall, intermediate line dance Music: One Way Ticket by Billy Currington Intro: 16 CHASSE RIGHT, BACK ROCK, 2 X ¼ TURNS RIGHT, ...
“JUST" BOBBI (WITH AN I) Choreographer: Kirsthen Hansen Description: 32 count, 1 wall, beginner Music: “Bobbi With An I” by Phil Vassar VINE RIGHT - VINE LEFT 1-2 Step right to right side, cross ...
Just Like a Rodeo Choreographer: Marie Sørensen 32 Count, 4 Wall Improver Line Dance Music: Just Like a Rodeo by Roger Brown Intro: 32 Counts Toe Strut Right, Left & Snap Your Fingers, Sway, Sway, ...
Just Like A Song Choreographer: Linda Pink - L.V Country Line Dancers Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Beginner Music: Song For The Summer By: Morgan Evans. Album: Intro Counts: 16 - No Tags/Restarts ...
K IS FOR KICKS Choreographer: Christopher Gonzalez (USA) April 2017 Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Absolute Beginner Music: "Feel It Still" by Portugal. The Man, 158 BPM #32-count intro R Heel, Together, ...
KATHIE’S MAMBO Choreographer: Dan Albro 10/01/2009 Description: 32 Count, 4 Wall, Beginner Line Dance Music: Say Hey (I Love You); by Michael Franti & Spearhead Into: 24 count intro. MAMBO FORWARD, ...
KEEP IT SIMPLE Choreographer: Maggie Gallagher Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Beginner Music: Keep It Simple by James Barker Band (Amazon & iTunes) Intro: 16 counts (9 secs) ROCK R FWD, RECOVER, SHUFFLE ...
KEEP ON SHAKIN’ Choreographed by Özgür "Oscar" & Mürüvvet TAKAÇ Description: 64 counts, 4 walls, Beginner/Intermediate Line Dance Music: Back It Up by Caro Emerald Intro: 16 counts STEP, STEP, ...
KEEP YOUR DISTANCE CHOREOGRAPHED BY JOHN H. ROBINSON, MARCH 2009 Description: 4-Wall Line Dance, Intermediate; 32 Counts/42 Movements, 3 Easy Tags MUSIC: MARLEE SCOTT "FIGHT WITH YOU" Start with ...
KICK IT UP Chorographer: Lisa Bodnar Description: 36 Count, 2 Wall Line dance Music: Kick the Dust Up by Luke Bryan Start: Intro is 32 counts –start on lyrics (Last count of dance will end on the ...
KICK ON 4 Choreographed by Dan Albro (9/24/2018) Description: 16 Count, 4 Wall, Beginner Line Dance Music: “Straight to Hell” by: Darius Rucker & Friends start on vocals 3 STEPS FORWARD, KICK, TWO ...
KILL THE SPIDERS - Line Dance Choreographed by Gaye Teather Description: 32 count, 2 wall, intermediate line dance Music: You Need A Man Around Here by Brad Paisley KICK BALL STEP, BALL STOMP, ...
Knockin’ Boots Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Beginner Choreographer: Hana Ries Music: Knockin’ Boots by Luke Bryan LINDY RIGHT, ROCKING CHAIR 1&2 Step R to right, Step L next to R, Step R to right 3-4 ...
Laid Back 'n Low Key Choreographed by Peter Metelnick & Alison Biggs Description: 32 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance Music: Laid Back 'n Low Key by Alan Jackson RIGHT SIDE, LEFT ...
LAST GOOD TIME Choreographed by Dan Albro Description: 56 count, 1 wall, beginner/intermediate east coast swing line dance Music: Last Good Time by Flynnville Train ANGLED TOE STRUTS WITH CLAPS ...
Last Living Cowboy Choreographed by Sue Ann Ehmann Description: 32 count, 4 walls, low intermediate line dance Music: Last Living Cowboy by Toby Keith Intro: 16 RIGHT SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, BEHIND, ...
Last Orders! Choreographed by Gaye Teather Description: 64 count, 4 wall, beginner line dance Music: Swinging Doors by Cole's Country 64 count intro. Start on vocals MAMBO FORWARD, HOLD, MAMBO BACK, ...
Let the Cowboy Rock Choreographed by Dan Albro (6/15/11) Description: 20 count, 4 wall, beginner line dance Music: Let The Cowboy Rock by Ronnie Dunn Intro: 28 ROCKING CHAIR, VINE RIGHT, CROSS ROCK ...
LET THE LITTLE GIRL DANCE Choreographed by Paul & Karla Dornste Description: 32 count, 4 wall, Beginner line dance Music: Let The Little Girl Dance by Billy Bland (from 1960’s), Lead in 32 beats ...